Let’s begin with the exciting part, by downloading your Pluss Communities app from the App Store.

A member of the Pluss team will invite you to join the app where you will receive an automated email and / or SMS containing the app download link and an initial password.

From your device:

  1. Select the ‘Download App’ button, to be taken to the App Store.
  2. Alternatively, type the name of your app in the App Store search bar.
  3. Select ‘Get’ to start downloading.
  4. Once downloaded, click ‘Open’.
  5. Enter your email / mobile and initial password to sign-in.
  6. Enter your new password.
  7. Accept the app terms and conditions.
  8. Take or upload your profile picture (optional).

Your Pluss Communities app is now installed on your device!

Now you’re ready to start creating the rich and engaging content for your community.